2 March 2013

Work in...Nepal

Five top tips for working in the foothills of the Himalayas

Kate, programme manager for an international development project, gives us her best advice for travelling and working in one of the world's poorest and most beautiful countries


Kate in Kathmandu
1. Take layers  During the winter months (from October to March), temperatures can get really chilly especially at night.  The lack of central heating makes it important to wear layers.  You can buy these in Kathmandu, but if you have a favourite shawl or sweater then take it along – clothes bought in Kathmandu are great for trekkers, but not the super-stylish!
2. Getting fibre  The range of food on offer in Nepal is generally much wider than in many developing countries, but making sure you meet your daily fibre requirement can still be challenging.  Most bread and carbohydrates are white and sugary.  Nuts, seeds and fibrous breakfast cereals are therefore very useful suitcase items. 

3. Bring sensible footwear  Outside Kathmandu, roads soon become muddy and surfaces uneven.  If you’re going on a field trip, make sure you take sensible shoes like trainers or walking boots.  In the city, the Kathmandu dusty roads soon destroy shoes so don’t take your best LK Bennett’s...

4. Don’t forget the anti-nausea pills  Roads cling to the mountains and valleys in Nepal, making any field outing a test of stomach strength.  Make sure you always carry anti-nausea medication with you (like gravol) to help with motion sickness.  Imodium can also come in very useful at times. 
5. Don't get too complacent  The easy-going nature of Nepalis and friendliness of locals often make you feel at home.  While important to enjoy this, don’t let your guard down totally – Thamel (the main touristy area) suffers from pick-pocketing and taxi drivers will often try to drive a hard (very hard) bargain.  Enjoy the relaxed feeling, but don’t become complacent!